Scoliosis Charity Ball

Jess contact How To Look Good twisted to talk to us about her Scoliosis Charity Ball which is taking place on the same day as our own event in York.
Jess is 15 years old and is raising money for Scoliosis, her event will be held at Jocasta's Lincoln. 
Jess says "Scolio is a charity that I set up which sends gifts and grants wishes to children around the UK with serious conditions and illnesses. I set up Scolio after an operation to correct my Scoliosis where unfortunately I suffered rare complications (I have now made an almost full recovery)"
Tickets for the ball are £40 which includes a welcome drink, 3 course meal, coffee, raffle, disco, auction, photographer and live entertainment by Off Limits! 
This will be a brilliant night which shouldn't be missed, says Jess.
"I really hope you are able to join us as it would be great to see as many people as possible there."
For tickets to the Scolio Ball, please contact Jess via her Facebook Page: Scolio Ball
The How To Look Good twisted team would like to wish Jess the best of luck for her event and hope she has some fun and raises the amount she needs.

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