Power Plate The Final Session

I promised I would keep you upto date with my progress on the Powerplate and I have now completed my 10 sessions :)

During the last few weeks we started doing the PowerPlate twice weeekly vs once - I started off with once a week because I wasn't sure how my back would feel and going on previous experience in a gym I didn't want to rock the boat too much with something new, however, I have enjoyed the powerplate so much; I was always excited about going!

Our trainer Daisy Mae Scott said that if I do it twice weekly I will notice the benefits more; so after 4 weeks of my training I went on to twice weekly. The training got a little harder and I did find that the first week of doing the powerplate twice a week was a little hard for me as the intensity had also increased and some of the poses felt like my rod was shaking itself to bits!

I did 6 sessions in 3 weeks and now I am taking a week's break before I continue again next week. I must admit I feel stronger and more able. I can now lift myself up while laying on my stomach, before I would have to roll over onto my side and then get onto my knees.

What else have I noticed?
I am more self confident
Stronger in my legs
Stronger in my arms
Less pain from the lower back (discs)
Less cellulite (which is always a bonus)
Leg definition on the upper leg is greater
More energised

I start with the follow on sessions next week, I will be doing Tuesdays and Thursdays every week

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