The Power Plate

I have been away for a long time blogging and I am sorry about that, however, I am back and in full fighting force and boy have I been busy!

After losing my beloved husband Chris Icough I have moved to England from Spain and back again, clearly I was a little delirious, upset, tired, heart broken, stressed and very very lost. Spain is where we started our life and I missed my friends when I left, therefore, coming back to Spain was a good move for me. I have started to settle a little where my daily life and routine was concerned. During this time I lost a lot of weight, my body has thrown at me everything it possible can from rashes to daily periods! It was time to sort myself out..............

One of my gorgeous girlfriends Daisy Hudson is a gym instructor and mentioned to me about a workout she would like to get me involved with, she has just recently passed her course to become a personal trainer and during her training they had explained a little about Scoliosis to her. Daisy obviously knows about my Scoliosis as we have known each other since 2000 so I was ready to let her take charge of me!

I had an introductory lesson last week where Daisy showed me the Power Plate. This machine gives the body's muscles a high-speed workout by using vibrations to stimulate them to contract and relax. They generally contract once or twice a second, but by standing on the Power-Plate, its vibrations cause an automatic reflex muscle contraction of 30-50 a second.

Due to the complexity of a spine on someone with Scoliosis I was very intrigued about this new machine as I have always found the "standard" machines in ANY gym to be too strenuous for me, I would overdo it, end up in pain and get nowhere with my workout - basically I would end up in bed saying to myself "why did I bother, I am now in bed with pain, can't move at all and now unable to burn even a small amount of fat -screw the gym!". I must also point out that the gyms I have been to have always said "yeah we know about Scoliosis" - I don't think I need to comment much about how that went ;)

So, What Is The Power Plate Good For?
Weight Loss
Cellulite Reduction
Increased Metabolism
Improved Circulation
Improved Muscle Strength
Toning Up Of Entire Body
Reduced Thread Veins
Boosting Your Body's Natural Collagen
Improved Appearance of Skin
Improved Bone Density
Lowered Stress Levels (I need that right now!)
Improved Balance & Co-Ordination
Soothing Arthritis Aches
Improved Flexibility
Redcued Acute & Chronic Back Pain (I'll come back to you on this one)
Assistance in Fighting Osteoporosis (need a candidate to comment on this one)
Lymph Drainage
Strengthening Connectivity Tissue
Reduction of Varicose Veins

I had my first session at lunch after the introduction last week and so far I feel great, no pain in my donor site or lumbar spine yet I feel like I have done a workout in the gym, the vibration plate of the power plate transmits waves of energy throughout the body, contracting and relaxing muscles 30-50 times per second. Almost 95% of the muscles in the entire body are exercised by using a vibration plate. The high rate of muscles contraction helps to also burn calories fast which is vital to burn fat and increase weight loss. This is great for those of us who are suffering with Scoliosis as we don't have to stand for long, the exercise regime is only 20 minutes and there is no strain on the spine, legs, hips, shoulders.

I have booked for 10 sessions and I will keep blogging throughout, I was measured this morning so it will be nice to see if I have toned and lost some inches, which, let's face it is always nice!

And remember, an increase in circulation will also flush out toxins from the body and improve the appearance of the skin

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