SAUK & ScoliosisNutty

I wanted to blog about our friends over at SAUK who now have over 600 members on their Facebook page! On their page they keep their members updated with all the latest news from the SAUK and the SCF.

You can join them by visiting Facebook and Twitter!

The Scoliosis Association (UK) is the only national charity that provides support, advice and information for people affected by scoliosis and the Scoliosis Campaign Fund is its fundraising arm, which raises vital funds to ensure that they can continue to provide support and fund research into the cause of the condition.

If you want the latest information from the SAUK and SCF team straight to your news feed then join them on their social networks. SAUK will be using both sites to keep you up-to-date with news and information about scoliosis and the work that they are doing. They want to tell you about meetings in your area, ways they can provide you with more support and the latest information from international research conferences.

You can join SAUK on Facebook and Twitter and SCF at their Facebook page too! The networks are also a great place to let them know what they can be doing to help support people with scoliosis as well as raising awareness about the condition.

SAUK look forward to you joining them at all three and posting your thoughts if you haven't already!


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