Life after Lyrica & Shennanigans!

Sorry for not blogging for such a long time but I notice Kathleen has been keeping you busy - good girl!

We went for a short holiday in Cyprus which was also for a wedding and then we joined our good friends for a week's cruise which had been booked for some time, since coming back from those holidays I have been trying to keep my workload to a minimum and doing what I can to help those in the scoliosis community, plus we now have the batch of wristbands which have started circulating so thanks for those orders ladies and gents and once again thanks for the support for our campaign on scoliosis awareness!

I started on Lyrica 12th July, 2010 because I couldn't cope with the pain anymore, I was spending more and more time in bed again and having a few teary days so I crossed the bridge for nerve pain relief, well after 2 months of taking this expensive drug I decided I needed to stop so on the 21st September, 2010, I quit the Lyrica, I didn't slow down my dosage I just stopped, yes I know I should have weaned off but to be honest I just wanted out, I didn't like who I was becoming, my memory was just awful, was struggling to remember why I was in a particular room and what tasks I should be doing! I constantly felt drunk and light headed, yeah the pain was gone but I think so had my brain so no wonder I couldn't feel anything, my whole body was numb!

So I am now 2 months past this date and I feel much better and do not need the Lyrica, although my GP has given me Gabapentin should I decide I need some help in the near future. However, since coming off the Lyrica the pain has not been as bad and I have not felt like I needed the drugs - so, I need something explaining to me.................. how can 2 months ago it be that I needed support for my pain, yet now I am managing to cope once more? I just do not understand it, when I started on the Lyrica I couldn't cope and I wanted it all to end and NOW, yet here I am 4 months down the line and not requiring those pain killers, did I make the pain up, has something else changed in my body so the nerves are now sitting in a much more preferable position? Whatever, the case, I really do not want the pain levels to come back as hard as they were 4 months ago - here is hoping I can stay on an even keel, look after myself, lose a bit more weight (which cannot do the back any harm!) and keep drinking wine! hahahahaha

Chris and I are planning a move to Devon in 2011, so this has been exciting for us and we have been spending a lot of time making sure our house looks the part and keeping the garden in check so this has also kept me very busy and I can almost not believe it is nearly December! I am a little worried about the move, we have spent a long time coming to Spain over the years and although I wanted to be here more because of the weather and the swimming, Spain has now lost its appeal for us and the healthcare in Spain for people with Scoliosis is not ideal and as we are UK taxpayers I might as well get some benefits where Scoliosis is concerned, such as a good Yoga instructor, Physiotherapist and at least yearly check ups with the surgeon, something that is not available to me here. The move worries me because I am not sure how I am going to manage, we have a lot to pack, I arrived in Spain with a rucksack and now have animals, cars and properties LOL, so a lot to be sorting, packing and selling!

A great bonus for me when we finally get back to the UK is the charity work I will be able to get involved with, my involvement with Scoliosis can increase, I can arrange events and sell more products from my website because I will be able to stock them so I think my Scoliosis future is looking much brighter and as always - TWISTY! ;)

I have just added stock of the cool and heat gel bags to the ScoliosisNutty range of products we are starting to gather, these cooling and heating bags are an ideal way of warding off pain, the blue one is for cooling and will go nicely in the freezer, with the red one being the heating bag and heats lovely for placement on the body where heat is required. Next year I will be ordering the stick on patches for the back but we need to order 3000 to get a price that is competitive and as we want to sell each one for under a quid to make them affordable, we need to get Christmas out of the way before we commit to the kind of money we need! It is of vital importance to me that we sell products that do help aid pain relief and are affordable for the community.

Thanks for listening and at least this post was a little more cheerful than the last hehehehe, for now my pain relief consists of heat pads and microwave wheat bags, keeping heat going into the muscle so I am nice and supple, it helps ward away the aches and pains, especially at this time of year!

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