2nd Annual Move-Athon, New York

On September the 12th, 2010 the 2nd Annual Move-athon will be taking place in New York!

Move-athon: Making My Moves So Others Can

Sharon is a member of our How To Look Good Twisted Facebook group and wanted to help spread the word about this year's Move-athon. Sharon represents the Pediatric Orthopaedics division of the NY-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital in New York City. The division specializes in treating babies and children with congenital, developmental and traumatic musculoskeletal conditions. "Our team is committed to providing superior orthopaedic care for children. Children from everywhere, not only New York, receive top-quality care for their orthopaedic conditions at the Morgan Stanley Children's Hosptial of New York Presbyterian" says Sharon.
NY-Presbyterian Morgan Stanley Children's Hospital

Specialty Centers
  • Early Onset Scoliosis
  • Clubfoot Center of New York
  • Scoliosis Center of New York
  • Neuromuscular Disorders Center of New York
  • Pediatric and Adolescent Sports Medicine Center of New York
  • Pediatric Hand Center of New York
  • Pediatric Tumor & Bone Disease Center of New York

Sharon says "They are just about the nicest bunch of docs you ever want to meet...so good with the kids and they truly care about what they are doing. The money raised will help them continue with their research and find some new solutions to help kids with all sorts of musculoskeletal disorders".

Are you ready to show off your moves? If so then all children are invited to join for a fun afternoon of dancing, bouncing, jumping, doing crafts and playing games, while helping to raise money to help kids with musculoskeletal disorders.

The Move-athon helps raise funds for Pediatric Orthopedic Research, which helps babies and children with congenital, developmental and traumatic musculoskeletal conditions. While many children are affected with orthopedic concerns due to injuries or accidents, many children are born with musculoskeletal disorders that affect their growth, development and ability to thrive.

Your participation in the Move-athon will help Morgan Stanley Hospital continue to improve the quality of life for kids with musculoskeletal disorders by finding new ways to reduce their pain and improve their ability to move.

Registration is $25 per child and participants are encouraged to ask others to support their 4 hours of moving with pledges.

In addition to the supervised activities, there will be light refreshments and prizes for top fundraisers.

So, if you are in New York around the 12th September this year get your butt down to the Move-athon and make a difference to a child's life today!

Register for Move-athon

Download your pledge sheet for the Move-athon

Directions for the Move-athon
Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital of New York – Presbyterian

3959 Broadway

New York, NY

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