Angle Velocity in Girls with Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

Scoliosis Journal reported an assessment of angle velocity in girls with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis

Authors: Ferran Escalada, Ester Marco, Roser Belmonte, Esther Duarte, Josep M Muniesa, Marta Tejero, Roser Boza and Enric Caceres

Published: 16 September 2009

Although it has been demonstrated that the peak height velocity (PHV) is a predictive factor of progression in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS), little is known about the usefulness of angle progression in clinical practice. The purpose of this study was to establish a relationship between height and angle velocities, as well as to determine if peak angle velocity (PAV) occurs at the same time than PHV.

A retrospective study of a cohort of girls with idiopathic scoliotic curves greater than 10o. Data of 132 girls who participated in a previous retrospective study about growth in AIS were used to calculate height and angle velocities. Relationship between height and angle velocities was estimated by the use of a Linear Mixed Model.

PHV and PAV take place simultaneously 1 year before menarche in progressive curves managed with a brace in AIS. Changes in angle velocity are influenced by changes in height growth velocity, in such a way that as from 6 months post-menarche, height growth velocity in this group of girls estimates curve progression velocity (beta-coefficient -0.88, p= 0.04).

As from 6 months post-menarche, there is an inverse relationship between height velocity and curve progression in the group of AIS girls with progressive curves managed with a brace. Because height velocity is decreasing from 1 year before menarche, this finding corroborates that at the end of puberty, there is still a risk of progression in this group of girls despite bracing. The assessment of both height and angle velocity might be useful in clinical practice at the time of assessing brace effectiveness and how long bracing has to be indicated.

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