The pros and cons of post-op life

I'm still counting down - 75 days left.

Things to look forward to after surgery, other than pain relief:
1. Having a bra that fits properly.
2. Wearing any pair of shoes I want, without having to get an expensive lift put on.
3. Not having my legs fall asleep all the time (hopefully).
4. Sleeping better!
5. No more limping!
6. No backaches from doing the laundry or dishes, showering, or anything else that requires standing for long periods.
7. Better posture.

Things to dread:
1. The insane medical bills.
2. Changes in my ability to bathe, dress, and move.

Other than the money ($50,000 and up), everything else I can deal with. At least, I think so. I'm currently fused from T10-L3. It's going to be revised and continued, from T4-S1. Does anyone out there have a fusion this complex? I really want to know what it's like to be fused this much, so I know what to expect. Comment me here or hit me up on Twitter, @oddcupcake.

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