How to Look Good Twisted?

We have all heard of Gok Wan and I am sure many of our readers follow his show for fashion advice and tips, I know that I certainly do. Just recently we have been discussing clothes shopping when you have Scoliosis, how we try to hide our curves, what bikinis we should be wearing, how to hide our rib humps, those with Scoliosis will be following the drift. All of us girls on the support group were wondering if Gok Wan wanted to take on the Scoliosis challenge and give us girls advice on how we should dress our rib humps, uneven chests and curved spines and put smiles back on the faces of women around the World who struggle daily with pain from their spines. A little about Gok Wan Gok Wan presents the inspirational fashion series that shows women "How to look good naked". This fantastic TV programme shows women how to look good with their clothes on or off no matter what their body shape - and all without a surgeon's scalpel in sight... Gok Wan also has another ...