
Showing posts from June, 2009

How to Look Good Twisted?

We have all heard of Gok Wan and I am sure many of our readers follow his show for fashion advice and tips, I know that I certainly do. Just recently we have been discussing clothes shopping when you have Scoliosis, how we try to hide our curves, what bikinis we should be wearing, how to hide our rib humps, those with Scoliosis will be following the drift. All of us girls on the support group were wondering if Gok Wan wanted to take on the Scoliosis challenge and give us girls advice on how we should dress our rib humps, uneven chests and curved spines and put smiles back on the faces of women around the World who struggle daily with pain from their spines. A little about Gok Wan Gok Wan presents the inspirational fashion series that shows women "How to look good naked". This fantastic TV programme shows women how to look good with their clothes on or off no matter what their body shape - and all without a surgeon's scalpel in sight... Gok Wan also has another ...

Scoliosis and Clothes Shopping

Clothes shopping for people who have Scoliosis has always been an issue, either you hide away from the public or you let it all hang out, whichever one you are you are reminded that you have Scoliosis when you go to the shops for new clothes, majority of us come home depressed. Clothes shopping with Scoliosis is a constatnt reminder that we are more curvier than most!!!! We have been discussing clothes and rib humps and scars on the group , and we have some very interesting views to clothes and Scoliosis. Unfortunately, there are many Scoliosis patients out there who are not quite as aggressive as myself as I tend to run with the attitude of "who cares what others think of me, I have Scoliosis, so what!", I wear up to date fashion and I don't let my Scoliosis dictate what I can and cannot wear to some extents, of course I don't wear what I am uncomfortable in or what does not suit me but I certainly will not shy away from going to the beach because of my lopsided-ness...

Chriopractors vs Scoliosis Specialists

OK, so I am seeing a lot of blog posts coming out saying things like "have Scoliosis, come visit our Chiropractor", since when did the Chiros become professionals in twisted spines? For starters they are not medical doctors so I advise that you see a proper Scoliosis specialist before you see a Chiropractor! When I had my surgery in 1989 with a Harrington rod from T4 to L1 I was told in under no circumstances should I see a Chiro, Dr Jackson told me this from Southampton General Hospital, over the last 5 years that I have been running groups and chatting on various other groups, the general consensus across the board is do not see a Chiropractor, some groups do not even allow you to talk about them! I do have a slightly different view to most I have to say, I do allow people to talk about their treatments because I am all for sharing and if a patient had good results then share them, we are all individuals at the end of the day and we react to different treatments, however, t...

PowerPumper - Fun Therapy

I just had to share this fantastic new rehabilitation tool or perhaps we should say toy that has come onto the market to help all children from the ages five to eleven. What is the Power Pumper for? From watching videos and reading information about this bike/scooter it is a unique mobility device for occupational and physical therapists, educators and children with therapeutic or health-related needs. This innovative, award-winning, therapeutic mobility device has a unique pumping action which provides movement for both upper and lower extremities, and helps build trunk muscles. The Power Pumper is used in therapy and physical education activities for building endurance and muscle development. Visit for details of how children with special needs can receive a free Power Pumper. The Power Pumper provides these benefits: * Rehabilitation - Encourages normal movement in upper and lower extremities * Appeals to all children * Children feel safe because of its ...

Find a Cure for Scoliosis

Today we started a cause on Facebook to help raise the awareness of Scoliosis around the globe while raising money for the Scoliosis Research Society at the same time. Please help drive our cause, share our link with your friends and spread the word, our aim is to raise $1,000 by the end of September this year. All of our readers know how Scoliosis makes us feel and wouldn't it be lovely to know where our Scoliosis came from and change us from being "unknown" to categorised with a meaning behind the disease? Thanks for your continued support with the scoliosis blog, website and support group.

My new Boston Brace

So now I am in my third boston brace. :( It hurts. The side that goes up is on the right, whereas it used to be on the left. It feels so different. It's made me really sick as well. I don't have holes in it yet, so it is really really hot. Last night, I lost my appetite and didn't eat dinner, then this morning, I went pale and felt really sick and weak. I went back to bed and closed my eyes. When I opened them again, I couldn't see anything! My parents were going to call the ambulance. Oh even though I TRY to stay positive, it's so hard. Bracing sucks. :( Here's a picture of my new brace (without holes) and my old brace.