Scoliosis Pain: Here we go again!

Boy what a week it was last week! We started our new business selling Portable Power Solutions, our stock arrived and then the phone started ringing, orders were coming in and Chris and I found ourselves very busy, up and down the coast all day long, delivering this and that, we also went to a great networking meeting and met some good guys running various businesses, it was nice to network with like minded people :)

We also bought ourselves a pitch at a Danish do in Fuengirola, however, this turned a bit sour for us as we felt that the audience were not for us so decided to call it a day and cancel the Saturday and Sunday pitch, we were glad about that as it rained on Saturday, and with our products using Solar it would have been no good that we were inside the building, the Solar products could not come into their own.

However, all this activity has taken it's toll on my spine and now I am suffering big time, I am bent over and cannot get straight, I have tried but the pain is too much, I have been in floods of tears, this happens to me every 6 months, or so it would seem anyway.

Whenever I work hard I never seem to reap the benefits, all that happens to me is pain, I suffer as a result of all my hard work, thank goodness for my memory foam bed, at times like these I don't know what I would do, I am having to work in bed at the moment but I even get sore when I am in bed, I am soooooo frustrated right now as I have a ton of work I want to get done plus I have products that we need to get rid of, not going to do that sitting in bed am I!

I have booked a Bowen session and I go there tomorrow, first time since last September that I have had treatment, tomorrow will not be fun as I usually have a healing crisis which hurts like hell!

Fingers crossed that the Bowen can help me tomorrow and allow me to continue my quest to being rich! LOL

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