Two and a Half Men: Thank God for Scoliosis

Remember I posted yesterday about an episode coming on TV called Two and a Half Men: Thank God for Scoliosis?

Well, I watched Paramount Comedy last night on the look out for this episode, however, I was unable to see any reference to Scoliosis, and in fact I don't think the UK have the new episodes out yet, I have crawled the internet and yes I have found videos titled this but not one of them makes any reference to Scoliosis at all...... confused.

If anyone has seen this episode and knows why they called it "Thank God for Scoliosis", please let me know, I am interested to know about this episode and what happens, even better if you can send me a clip of this episode.

I will continue my search for this and report my findings when I can :)

Be well and stay safe

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