Scoliosis: The Bra debate

Once again we have been discussing various topics on the Scoliosis Support Forum and one topic in common with many Scoliosis women is wearing bras.
I had a 76ยบ Thoracic curve and my surgery was 7 1/2 hours and the result was a Harrington rod from T5 to L1, leaving me with a rib hump on my right hand side shoulder blade.
This rib hump makes the bra strap very un-even and rubs on the scar that I have down the centre of my back, after some time of wearing the bra I start to itch my scar, it becomes very sore and I have to take the bra off.
I bought a strap less bra some years ago and it sticks on the skin, it is a very strange looking bra as it is literally 2 cups that stick onto your boob and clip together at the front to create some kind of cleavage, it is very comfortable to wear and does not cause any discomfort for the Scoliosis patient as there is not straps over the shoulders and no strap around the back to cause distress to scars.
How this bra feels to the lady with bigger breasts, I wouldn't know. I am a 32B so I have a small chest and believe me I am glad about that, considering I have Scoliosis, I don't need the pressure of big boobs either.
Any Scoliosis patients out there with a large chest and find it more difficult because of the extra weight?
If I was to comment on the bad side of this bra I would say that in the summer they are practically impossible to wear, because the bra has a sticky inside it makes you sweat more than you would usually, allowing the bra to slide around and sometimes fall off altogether!
One of the group members said:
I was reading your e-mail about having trouble wearing bras over your scar. I have the same problem. If I wear a bra that hooks in the back and I have it on for a period of time it will start hurting my back and then everything starts hurting so I end up taking it off. I usually end up wearing camisoles. I find them to be the most comfotable but sometimes they can be bothersome too. I also wear bras that you can close in the front. They seem to be okay. Your right though it's very hard to find something that is comfortable and you can wear it all day long without bothering our backs.