Welcome Judith - ScoliosisNutty contributor

I would like to extend a warm welcome to Judith from our Scoliosis Yahoo Group, who has decided to join me in blogging on the ScoliosisNutty blog.

A little background on Judith:
"I first realised I had scoliosis when I was about 15 in the mid-1970s", and she said to her father "I go in more on one side than the other". He said "you've got scoliosis" but that was the end of the matter, nothing done, no medical advice. Judith has actually had back pain for as long as she could remember, and says "but only when I had to sit on something without a back and it wasn't that bad. I think in view of the problems people who had surgery at that time see to have now, I am quite glad".

Fast forward to 2006, when her daughter Laura pointed out that she seemed to have one hip bigger than the other. Judith says "We went to our GP and he referred her to our local hospital, who in turn referred her to the RNOH at Stanmore. She had surgery there in May 2008 and is making a good recovery, still wearing the brace when a gun is held to her head".

Meanwhile Judith gets back pain sitting on anything with a hard back, that digs into her rib bump (as in "eeyew mum you're weird, bend over so we can see it", from Miss Surgery herself!).

Want to join our Scoliosisnutty blog?
If you want to join Judith and become a contributor on this blog, please send me a message either on the blog as a comment or a direct mail. Tell me something about yourself and then we can get cracking. Please, only serious people need to email me.


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