Fed up with this damn pain...........

I am supposed to be on holiday but as per usual clients don't leave us alone and I am looking forward to actually going away and leaving the house on Saturday so I don't have to look at my laptop again!

I had Bowen again yesterday and Chris had it also for his RSI, our therapist wanted to see him before he went away on holiday so that his arms get chance this time to relax and rest and try to recover, usually he has his therapy and then continues to work and the body doesn't get much of a break, this sesions should help him a lot more than it has done in the past - providing he doesn't work - watch this space, I bet he does!!!!!!!

I had Bowen and I am feeling a little worse for wear this morning, my therapist tells me she can feel that I am better than last week but I sure as hell don't agree, I feel as crap this week as I did last week, although I did get 7 hours in bed last night compared to my usual 3, it is still the lower discs and my memory foam bed really isn't helping compared to some months ago, I sleep on the sofa now after I have had how ever many hours in my bed.

After my session yesterday we went to the beach and the waves were quite rough so perhaps being thrown about in the sea didn't help at all, however, it was fun and one thing I have learnt when living with Scoliosis is that we have to take everything that we can now and enjoy life to the full - I do exactly that!

I have pains at the top of my leg today, I had pelvis work done yesterday and I always seem to respond well to that treatment so I guess I am making some changes.

My appointment with the Dr was cancelled and is now not until 8th September, such a shame as I was looking forward to seeing what he had to say, although very apprehensive, guess I will have to wait a further 2 weeks then I guess.

We are off to some waterfalls today with the family so that should be fun, I just hope it is not too bumpy in the car on the way down there!

We are off camping Saturday morning to Huelva down the coast bordering Portugal, we bought me a nice fisherman camp bed so I think I will sleep better than I usually do on a blow up bed :)

Hope everyone is well, take care and see you on my return


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