Scoliosis and Bowen Part 6

Well, I had my last session last Tuesday as my therapist now wants me to take a break and see how I get on for a couple weeks before I go back, she wants to see if my body will stay in the position that I have been keeping for the past 5 weeks.

My back muscles have also got stronger on the right hand side of my spine and I am now sleeping a full 8 hours a night again - I cannot tell you how that makes me feel, after only getting 3 hours for many, many weeks I am just elated.

I have had a few twinges following the treatment but nothing major and in fact the other day when I was wondering around I didn't even feel like I had ever had back surgery!!!!!!!!

I am very stiff in the mornings though but I have some exercises that my husband and I have been doing (he went for 2 sessions for his RSI) and I am still doing Yoga once a week, I believe this has been helping those back muscles to get stronger and at least now I am strengthening the right ones.

I did some gardening yesterday and that was fine, I took my time and didn't over stress myself and I also did a bit of swimming (it is damn hot here in Spain now).

I have listened to everything that my therapist has been telling me over these last few weeks and not trying to be a hero by cleaning the house, ironing, gardening, tidying all at once! I am taking my time and listening to what my body is telling me, I am taking more breaks and during the day changing positons while I am working.

I hope this continues and that my Scoliosis can keep moving forward so I can suffer less pain :)


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