Scoliosis and Bowen Part 5

I am still going to Bowen each week and I do not know how I would have coped if I had not been going, I have to sleep raised in bed and cannot lay flat but I am sleeping better than I was prior to Bowen and that is what I went to her for.

It is strange as I can feel my body moving and clicking into various places.

Hip pain feels like a fizzing, similar to that stuff you can eat that cracks and pops in your mouth
Walking was an issue (only 180 metres) and I had to stop and gather myself before I carried on
Pain when crossing legs (been told not to do that though!)
Pain just above my vagina - twinges

Neck is hurting and can't turn my head

I have not experienced any other pains this week (except the ones that were my own fault!) and now my period has started so I am hoping this month will be as pain free as the month's hoping anyway.

My Mother is here at the moment on holiday and she cannot believe how much straighter I am compared to when she last saw me in December, she thinks I am walkiing better, standing better and she even thinks my ruib hump looks less and that my shoulder blades are more level, I don't see the back of me much so I cannot comment I can only take on board what people around me are telling me.

I spent the whole day in the garden yesterday and I think I have pulled something in my lumbar area but not near the donor site but the other side, although the donor side is aching.

I pulled out 2 conifer trees and 1 fir tree and moved it, planted a few bits and pieces and then the usual easy gardening of pruning!!! I think I might have over done it slightly there ;)


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