Scoliosis and Bowen Part 3

Scoliosis support group

I had my third Bowen treatment last Tuesday and I go for treatment number 4 tomorrow, for my Scolisois and as usual I am looking forward to making myself better each week.

I am still feeling strange when I stand and walk due to the straight feeling of my legs and pelvis, laying down was much easier but I still need a cushion under my legs and head.

We worked on my respiratory last week and she is greatly concerned about the damp spores that we have in the bedrooms. Last week, the day after my treatment I bleached the wardrobe in our bedroom and got rid of all the damp spots on the ceiling and walls, I did not weeze as much after that, trouble is I am still not sleeping well and getting into the spare bed for a couple of hours early morning and the damp spores in there are very rife so I need to tackle that room this week to help my breathing.

I await to see what she thinks of my body shape this week. I have a few new pains to report, one that shoot across my lower back and then in a straight line up my spine.

I was on my period last week and expecting lots of pain, this is a usual pain for me every month and I even asked for a hysterectomy a few years back but the Dr refused. My period pain never came and I had a pain free period for the first time in many, many years, I was over joyed! Long may this continue, I am too scared to NOT have this therapy now just in case I feel this pain again.

I did some gardening last week also and noticed a few "new" pains, almost as if my back was telling me to stop what I was doing and stop right now - I listened to my body and stopped gardening, the discomfort was too much for me to bear.

I have felt really tired physically this week which is different to the other times I have had treatment, I have also noticed more twinges and pains in my sciatica on both sides, I did not suffer from the sciatic nerve before and I hope this does not mean that I will have this a new thing to add to the list of repurcusions from my Scoliosis!

My neck and shoulders are still sore and creaking but they do take a lot of strain so this might be why, my therapist is continuing to work on the shoulders each week. She is still impressed with my hamstring and I also did Yoga the following day but avoided any of the exercises that spread or put the pelvis out of position (for the first time in my life I did as I was told!), I don't want to stop doing the yoga because I like the feeling I get from stretching the hamstring and I do not wish to let the hamstring get too tight as this helps you when you bend over, the more supple the better.

I hope this week has such a positive effect also and I will keep documenting how I am feeling with the Bowen.


Anonymous said…
I have had scoliosis for many years and recently i was introduced to a new flexible scoliosis brace by http://www.scoliosisspecialists.comi recommend them to anyone with scoliosis. thanks again, i really enjoyed ytour blog. i look forward to all the updates.


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