Over Compensation Syndrome!

Well, I read many articles by Elizabeth Mina that make so much sense and I now find that I am referring to a lot of what she said in her articles and applying it to my every day life.

Over Compensation Syndrome

I am in the middle of organising a 40th birthday party for my husband Chris and we have 50 people arriving at our house on Friday lunch time, camping in the garden, making fires and staying until Sunday! As you can imagine this has been quite a lot of work added to my usual schedule of work, cleaning the house, looking after the cats, tending to the garden, washing, ironing........yawn!!

I am absolutely exhausted and I do not know how my back has managed to keep up the pace without flooring me and forcing me to stay in bed for a while - overcompensation syndrome is springing to mind again ;)

I am feeling it again in my shoulders, they are so tight and painful I am struggling to find a comfortable place to work - I am looking forward to the summer so I can swim again and release some of that pain.

I may not post again for a little while, the party starts in 2 days and we have family staying here for a week also, it will be nice to not have to work for a while - I need a break.

I hope everyone else is doing OK and don't overcompensate your body with Scoliosis like I tend to do!


Anonymous said…

Thanks for publishing very educative article.

Dr.Vivek Rane
Unknown said…
Hi Dr Rane

Thanks for leaving your comment, nice to hear from you :)

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