Scoliosis in India

I have been approached via my website from someone in India who needs help finding a surgeon.

I do not have much knowledge on surgeons for Scoliosis in India and would really like to help this person, I decided to write a blog post and see if I can attract the attention of anyone who would have good advice on surgeons in India, where she should go for surgery in India and who would be recommended in India to perform the surgery.

Personally, I would have thought that Deli would have a good selection of top spine surgeons who could help this lady who has a 59º curve, surgery is considered when a spinal curvature peaks over 50º, I do know that many Indian back specialists train in the UK, some stay and work in the UK and others go back to India and work there.

Perhaps there is a surgeon in the USA that is doing pro bono work, I have heard of many top USA surgeons going to other countries and performing surgeries on people who desperately need help.

If anyone has any advice or suggestions, I would love to hear from you


mirror image said…
Hi , just to answer your query though i cant be very specific , there are a few suergeons performing these surgeries in India. The top place probably would be Wockhardt Hospitals , Hyderabad , I have seen there work , hweres about the surgeon, the others would be Ganga Hospital , Delhi i think, Apollo hospitals Chennai and Sancheti Hospitals Pune. Though i think Wockhardt probably has the best numbers.
Anonymous said…
Hi, I came across a your blog asking for surgeons performing scoliosis surgery in India. I am aware of Dr.K. Sriram, an renowed orthopedic surgeon in Chennai and has been successful in performing scoliosis surgeries in India. He was practising somewhere near Isabelle hospitals in mylapore, chennai.
Another thing, I would recommend for your friend is to try yoga.
Unknown said…

Thanks for your comment, I will make sure I pass this on to the group and hopefully this will help those who are in need of a surgeon in India.

Your comment is most welcomed and hopefully we will keep in touch

All the best
Anonymous said…
dr p gopinathan is doing exelent work in govt medical college calicut in kerala , he started doing it from 1992,only amoung few in india who do anterior correction,total coast comes only near one lakh indian rupees
Madhu Mathur said…
At the All India Institute of Medical Sciences(AIIMS), Dr. Arvind Jaiswal holds a Scoliosis Clinic every Wednesday at 2 p.m. You need to be referred to AIIMS by your doctor.
Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi, also has a Scoliosis Clinic.
For braces:
1. Jaipur: Santokba Durlabhji Memorial Hospital
2. Mobility India, Bangalore
3.Sahadri Hospital, Pune
Anonymous said…
i know a paediatric orthopaedic and scoliosis surgeon trained in USA,he travels abroad very commonly and has been trained to do scoliosis,he is Dr vipul shah and his web page is
Anonymous said…
Even i have scoliosis...i think i need a surgery .Can u tell me how much does this surgery cost ??
Unknown said…
Hi Anonymous

There are many options in the comments above regarding Scoliosis surgery in India, I also have a link to India Hospital Tour that may be of interested, I know nothing about them so tread carefully please, look at our links section :)
Anonymous said…
dr.p gopinathan is the best option for the scoliosis pts in india, he is very experienced and proficient in spine surgeries.
Anonymous said…
andrew was born with achondroplasia and slowly over the years developed scoliosis and kyphosis,he also had sleep apnoea ( a condition in which your oxygen levels go down in sleep) and problems in his lungs in addition to his achondroplasia ,his parents lesie and shiela were always concerned with his progressive deformity in the back and it was painful to see their son in this way,leslie and shiela live in sharjah and work in dubai as teachers,they saw various experts all around the globe who would either say that since his lung condition is so bad that nothing could be done or that andrew would need a surgery right away but his chances were 50% ,they were always on the look out for someone whom they in their own words''trust their child onto" luckily they met dr shah,dr shah trained at the best centres in usa and an expert in scoliosis treatment was like a breath of fresh air and he initially put andrew aged 10 years over to strict regimen of therapy to make his body withstand the surgery,4 days before the due date both leslie and shiela brough andrew back for surgery but he had in the interim developed a little cold so the surgery was delayed for a week while the pediatrician dr santosh ,anaesthetist dr rishi and the pulmonologist had look at andrew to fight the cold and making him fit,thanks to the therapy andrew was fit in a week and was taken up for surgery on 24th december,the surgery was planned and andrew was wheeled while everyone prayed,dr shah and his team first placed andrew prone on his tummy ,opened his back and straightened him and put graft in ,then they found that andrew was doing well and could withstand the second stage so they closed the back and placed andrew on the side ,over the next four hours dr vipul shah opened andrew from the front and placed grafts to keep andrew straight,at the end of surgery andrew who`s angle was 110degree before surgery was already 30 degree post surgery (which lasted for 8 hours) andrew was out of surgery and onto his normal bed thanks to preop therapy and a few naturopathy medications that dr shah had prescribed he did not go into ICU(intensive care unit) nor did he need any ventilator support leslie and shiela saw and were with andrew immediately after the surgery which they termed as amazing because everywhere they had gone they were told at least 10-15 days in intensive care unit,they termed this as their best ever CHRISTMAS PRESENT More surprises were awaiting them after 2 days in the hospital andrew was discharged from the hospital and went back home ,in a week he was almost back to his normal self eating as earlier and giggling with his cousins on behalf of the indian cerebral palsy team we pray for andrews speedy recovery and hope that he becomes progressively better leslie and shiela can be contacted on Sheila and Leslie Godin Leslie's office Tel: 9714 2988333 Ext 213 Leslie's Fax: 9714 2988603 Leslie's email - Sheila's email - local indian nos-09415016470,09455934347 contact us for any details
Anonymous said…
i have dual curves which are complimentary thereby making me look visually almost straight. However, i suffer from continuous backache, which is aggregates beyond control at times. Sleeping, lying straight nor exercise seems to make the pain better. As far as my knowledge of scoliosis is concerned i am quite sure that pain is not a usual symptom.
Though i have inquired bout the same from my docs, they have assured me that it will subside in due time. It has been more than 10 years but i have neither found an answer nor got rid of the pain.

kindly help
In case you need Dr. Gopinathan, he is at present serving at IQRAA Hospital Kozhikode, Kerala, India.
iqbal said…
My daughter Fatima aged 14yrs was suffering from dorsolumbar scoliosis.she got operated at AIIMS NEWDELHI by Dr. Arvind Jaiswal on 9th April 2011.I can only say that there is no better hospital,no better doctors, no better nurses, no better facility ,no better care than AIIMS.I cannot put in words my experience with AIIMS.
please write to me on or

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