Scoliosis pain diary - 3 November 2005

Since my awful pain in August I have started to make a come back and even managed to some Yoga each week, I do still find that I walk bent over at the end of the day and the sofa we have I hate and it is getting up from that which doesn't help, I did buy a bean bag and that is much nicer for me.

September and October were fairly good for me, no tears anyway! I even went on long walks and I have not been able to do that for a long time, so long as I take my time and sit when I need to and make sure that I have my heat patches with me in case the lower lumbar pain comes back with intense force.

However, I did have some trouble with my rod last month and it seemed to be poking further at the skin than ever before and I needed to use Gel on that to stop the pain as that did bring me to tears, I needed my cushion that is made of tiny little balls inside and nice material so it forms any shape as I could not lay down without it as the rod was hurting too much.

Because I have not written in my diary for a couple of months is actually good news as I only write when I am feeling bad so that I can tell my surgeon how that felt, I do get very tired especially if I am sat in front of a PC and then try to straighten it really does cause a bit of pain and can take a few seconds to get straight.


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