Scoliosis pain diary - 17th August 2005

I have not updated my diary for a while as my symptoms have not changed much, I was still using the wheelchair on Saturday 13th August as walking was a great effort and feelings of pressure built up as if my spine was going to explode, I think that last bought of pain was related to my period as I always suffer in the lumbar when I get my period.

Since Sunday 14th August I started to get better but standing up from being sat down I walk bent over for a few seconds before I can force myself to stand up straight and I walk with my legs far apart because I cannot do it any other way. I tried swimming on Sunday also and could only manage 9 lengths which is not very good as before I was doing 20 without stopping, Yoga is out of the question but I am going to try and cycle and see how that feels.

I have yet to start my Glucosamine/MSM/Chondrontin formula, perhaps this will help more?

I have started questions for my surgeon so we can discuss where to go from here.

List of question for surgeon
Natural FusionI am concerned about a natural fusion of that would include L1 but fuse together L2/L3 because of the nerves settling in the incoorect position, if it settled in the wrong place and trapped nerves and caused pain what then¿

Removal of disc is this possible and what are the complications etc

I know that artificial discs are not yet available to patients with Scoliosis but if I had an extended fusion I am worried about the effect this will have on the further remaining discs L4/L5.

Is degenerative disc disease rapid in a patient with Scoliosis, therefore could I be a candidate when/should this happen to the further discs?

Questions for surgeon on extended fusion
Surgery for extended fusion of L2/L3 discIf I were to have extended fusion of my Harrington Rod, what will be used, i.e. cages, pedicle screws, hooks or rods? What instrumentation do you plan to use (Cotrel Dubosset (CD), Moss Miami (MM), etc.)? What material (stainless steel, titanium)? Why?
Do you recommend I donate my own blood?
How much more flexibility will I lose?
How long have you been using this particular technique?
What will you use to close my incisions? "Crazy Glue"
What type of pain relief do you normally use after surgery? Do you ever use an epidural catheter instead of a PCA pump?
How long after surgery will I be able to go swimming?
What general anaesthetic will you use and who will administer it?
How long has...............been giving this type of anaesthetic for and with success?
How long will the operation take and when will I be back on my feet again?
When would you anticipate that I could start trying for a baby once the operation is complete?


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