
Showing posts from January, 2011

"There is increased grinding and popping in the sagittal region." "Sagittal? But I'm a Cancer!"

Life never fails to be interesting for me on the medical front. Wednesday I met my mom in Calgary; my first cortisone injection was bright and early Thursday morning. So we get to the Holy Cross and find the Advanced Spinal Care Centre, which, incidentally, is in the basement and as such I'm fairly certain qualifies as at least one of the many circles of hell. I'm trying to stay up beat and overly Mary Poppinsish in my outlook, so I bound up to the desk and proudly proclaim "I have an appointment at 9:30! Last name Sawisky, first name Kathleen!" (Unfortunately the five piece band I had hired to announce my arrival turned out to be double booked.) That was when it all went to hell in a hand basket. The receptionist looks at me, to the desk, to the tower of file folders beside her, flips one open and then turns back to me to say "We've been trying to contact you for three days." Oh no, oh no, oh no, oh no no no. "We don't have your requisition for...

"The time has come," the Walrus said...

"...To talk of many things! Of meds and splints and spinal facts! Of surgeries and dreams! And how much a curvy spine can suck and how we deal with things! " It was an interesting sort of holiday season. The sort of interesting that ends with a person spending two and a half days at a bus depot, sleeping on the floor, making friends with random strangers, and doing your gosh-darned best not to lose your mind. Lambchops tiddliwinks. I mean-! I spent the solid portion of the last week trying to get back into the school mood. New classes, more work than last semester, I need to get a part time job, I'm still trying to get my writing to professional standards and, oh! What's this? An appointment with the Advanced Spinal Care Center in Calgary for cortisone injections? This week? What?! Yes, apparently time itself decided to speed up because I had no idea it would be so soon (and consequently told my teachers that, and I quote "will be going away sometime in the ne...

Oh my holy ghost.

Hey everyone! Hi to everyone, especially Simone! Oh my holy ghost. I totally forgot about this blog for about a year, I hope I'm still welcome! Truth is... I lost my password. But now I'm back :) Just tell me to get lost if you like hahaha, I totally ditched the scoliosis community for a long time! Well just to let you know, my spine is now at 16 degrees both curves (i think) and has been for the past year or so. I am still undergoing bracing -.- which is so very very annoying and really hard on hot scorching days like this! But I will probably be done with bracing and with worrying about scoliosis for life by February! Which will be really exciting for me, for my 16th birthday I will be brace free! I haven't been brace free since the 7th of March 2008. Anyway I'm sorry I was momentarily lost in cyberspace, I promise I will still keep in touch after I'm done with my brace and answer first-timer brace-wearers' questions. I have about 3 years experience with braci...