... And a Merry-Countdown-to-the-New-Cycle-of-Days-Weeks-and-Months! Some of you may be looking at the time stamp and be asking yourselves, Just what sort of ten flavors of pathetic is Kathleen to be writing a blog on Christmas Day... at 1:00 pm? Well, I would list out said ten flavors of pathetic but really, that would just be another few minutes of me on the internet instead of gorging myself with the various delectable goodies that my Grandma is currently setting out for the family to enjoy. And as a grandma, she knows what sort of goodies are required for any and all occasions (Weddings? Petit-fours! Funerals? Casseroles with potato chip crusts! Just kidding, as Canadians we do not approve of potato chips on our casseroles.) The long and short of it my fellow Scoliotics, is that it is the holiday season, and as such we are often told to take a moment and consider the grandeur that we all have, and how lucky we are to be spending the holiday's with the ones we love (or, in som...