
Showing posts from February, 2010

New Blogger Emily

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Emily Kalda to our Scoliosis blogging community, we look forward to reading her experiences with Scoliosis and her comments on the SpineCor brace that she is currently wearing. We have pages about Spinal Bracing on the website where we discuss each brace individually, I have linked those pages below for your convenience. Spinal Bracing Boston Brace Charleston Brace Jewett Brace Milwaukee Brace SpineCor Brace Bracing in the 19th Century Brace or not to Brace Once again welcome Emily, please make yourself at home, blogging with you is myself (Simone Icough), Tiz, Judith, CupCake and JoJo.

Vertebral Rotation in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis

ScoliosisJournal reported about the measurement of vertebral rotation in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with low-dose CT in prone position - method description and reliability analysis. Authors: Kasim Abul-Kasim , Magnus K Karlsson , Ralph Hasserius and Acke Ohlin Background To our knowledge there is no report in the literature on measurements of vertebral rotation with low-dose computed tomography (CT) in prone position. Aims To describe and test the reliability of this new method, compare it with other methods in use and evaluate the influence of body position on the degree of vertebral rotation measured by different radiological methods. Study design: Retrospective study. Methods 25 consecutive patients with adolescent idiopathic scoliosis scheduled for surgery (17 girls, 8 boys) aged 15+/-2 years (mean+/-SD) were included in the analysis of this study. The degree of the vertebral rotation was in all patients measured according to the method of Perdriolle on standing plain r...

Surgical treatment of scoliosis in Smith-Magenis syndrome: A Case Report

Join our support group to meet other families and patients living with Scoliosis Scoliosis Journal report about the surgical treatment of Scoliosis in Smith-Magenis Syndrome Authors:  Athanasios I Tsirikos , Alexander D.L Baker and Claire McClean Introduction Smith-Magenis syndrome is a rare genetic condition associated with scoliosis in approximately 30% of cases. There is limited information in the literature on the treatment of scoliosis and the surgical outcome in patients with this condition. Characteristic features of the syndrome, such as the presence of congenital heart and renal disease, inherent immunodeficiency, as well as severe behavioural disorders may complicate the surgical treatment of patients. Case Presentation We present the case of an 11-year-old British Caucasian girl with Smith-Magenis syndrome who developed a severe, progressive thoracic and lumbar scoliosis measuring 85degrees and 80degrees, respectively. She had no cardiac or renal anomalies. Brace t...

Brace Technology & The Future

Authors: Stefano Negrini and Theodoros B Grivas Scoliosis Journal report : Introduction to the "Scoliosis" Journal Brace Technology Thematic Series: increasing existing knowledge and promoting future developments. Bracing is the main non-surgical intervention in the treatment of idiopathic scoliosis during growth, in hyperkyphosis (and Scheuermann disease) and occasionally for spondylolisthesis; it can be used in adult scoliosis, in the elderly when pathological curves lead to a forward leaning posture or in adults after traumatic injuries. Bracing can be defined as the application of external corrective forces to the trunk; rigid supports or elastic bands can be used and braces can be custom-made or prefabricated. The state of research in the field of conservative treatment is insufficient and while it can be stated that there is some evidence to support bracing, we must also acknowledge that today we do not have a common and generally accepted knowledge base, and that i...