
Showing posts from September, 2012

Calling it a Complaint Letter just doesn't sum it up...

Well, it's been a while. I was fortunate to finally obtain full time employment outside of the retail sector (gasp) which has made earning money a bit easier on my spine. It has been a sad couple weeks for reasons I won't go into right now. Instead, I want to present you lovely folks with a bit of information. See, I lost my insurance coverage in April. Problematic, as I am a 'pre-existing condition' felon, and as such, the plans available to me through my regional insurance companies are limited. And do any of them cover my most important, most expensive medication? No, because that would make sense. So, since April I have been on a crusade to find coverage for my BuTrans patches. You think it wouldn't be hard, given that patches are more difficult to abuse and they provide long term (a week!) coverage that is delivered in even strides. None of the up and down of oral medications. BuTrans really improved my life when I began taking it, which says a lot given ho...