Two and a half years later...
Some of you might remember my small contention with Alberta Health Services and the ridiculous wait time that patients were having to endure to get into the Chronic Pain Clinic in Calgary (cue pause for irony). Well, last week my time came. I rolled down to Calgary on a winged, golden chariot (Okay, it was a Greyhound), as angel feathers floated from the sky (it was a snow storm really), during perfectly reasonable weather (which was actually -40 and my eyelids froze shut several times). I was beyond excited. Years of cynicism finally gave way to the sheer excitement that I was finally going to be speaking to people that could help me . It didn't go according to plan. To start with, the weather was so awful in Calgary (remember, this is Canada we're talking about, and better yet, Alberta. In the dead of winter. I shouldn't have to say much more.) So my lovely "Significant other" and myself ordered the cab for the hotel the night before and gave ourselves lots of t...