
Showing posts from March, 2011

A Hospital Survival Guide

I'm in a bit of a miserable place right now, so I thought I would tap into some sarcasm and make myself, and hopefully you loverly Scoliotics, giggle a bit. The fact of the matter is that at some point we probably have to have a surgery. If we're spectacularly unlucky we might have two, or three. Keep in mind by the time you hit 4-9 surgeries, you should probably order yourself a plastic bubble and black out your windows. Personally, I am still waiting for my order for military grade food supplies that I can keep in my bomb shelter. So, with that in mind, how exactly do we survive a surgery? What sort of ungodly horrors await us and what can we do to make the experience a little more bearable? Follow this guide and I assure you, your hospital experience will be...average, really. I mean, none of this is going to actually make it better because, let's face it, the only way to make any surgery better is to be told that while the doctors were inside you they decided to install...

A Twisted Affair

I have been meaning to blog about the meeting we had in February for the UK Scoliotics since returning but life has been so hectic I have just not had the time! So please don't shoot the messenger here for being late on her blogging ;) We met at La Tasca in Victoria, London at lunch time on the 19th February, we had a great turnout with people coming from all over the UK and of course Spain! I have listed the people who attended below. Maria from Uttoexeter, Staffordshire Megan from Cambridgeshire Judith from Mill Hill, London Linda from Croxley Green, Watford Krysie from Coventry Karen from Hurst Green Simone & Chris Icough from Spain  Evi from London Lisa from Kent Janice from Sunderland Gail from Hull Janet from London Alana from Spain The venue itself were very helpful, they threw in some free jugs of Sangria, (which seemed to go to Maria's head - hahahaha, although I think she enjoyed it ;) and 5 pounds off the menu price per head, we had a great ...

Scoliosis checks in UK secondary schools

A friend of mine on Facebook has just started a new petition and as we like to get involved in anything to do with Scoliosis here we decided to give them some help online so we can spread the word and get as many signatures as we can. So, we now need YOU - the twisted community to get on board and sign the petition for "Scoliosis checks in UK secondary schools" - we also like to see this petition is using the same slogan that we also promote on the wristbands " Speak up for Scoliosis " - so do your bit today and sign that petition! Thanks my lovelies!