Oops not been posting!
As you may have noticed I have not placed many posts this year, this is because I have not suffered too much pain this year, however, the last 2 weeks I have been spending a lot of time in bed due to lumbar pain - what's new! I am having a massage on Friday so this should help my shoulders, they tend to take all the pressure when my lumbar is affecting me, this is because I hold my body in a different way so the other muscles tend to get squiffed! I am going back to the UK on 9th May as I am in the process of adopting a child from China and we have to start our home study and go on a course, where I will meet other adoptive parents and learn about what the children go through, where they may come from and what they may have been through. Unfortunately for me I cannot talk to them too much about my Scoliosis because the Chinese do not value "disabled" people very high - although I am not disabled and I am more than capable of being a parent and caring for a child the Chine...